Oct 28, 2009 - Under the hood LookingGlass progress

I broke a lot of stuff getting to a better place. The loading and reloading experience was poor (slow and jerky) so I moved a bunch of the update code from C# to C++. That has necessitated (after a while finding that this was the problem) building and including [http://boost.org Boost] for data structure access locking. I also wanted to have the Radegast window navigatable via the keyboard. This meant reorganizing the input code to extract common routines. Adding avatars meant rethinking and redoing the organization of Entities to allow for extensions for attachements, etc. Avatars are not first class items but merely a specialization of an entity which the viewer has to figure out how to display. The short of all this is I ripped a lot of things apart and they are not all together yet. Hopefully only another week. Fingers crossed.

Oct 20, 2009 - Keeping up with LookingGlass

To make for  open discussions and transparency in my design directions, I will be added design comments to my blog here as well as in the LookingGlass forum on the Forge. Join in the discussions on the forge.

Oct 20, 2009 - Integrating Avatars and Attachments and generalizing entities

I had been fretting about whether avatars and their attachements are first class objects or subclasses of entities. I am now thinking the latter. That is, World just deals with Regions that contain Entities and the Entities have sub-classes that are created by Comm and sensed by the Viewer.

The pattern I’m working with at the moment is (using an Avatar as an example) for there to be a World.IEntityAvatar which defines the operations beyond the base entity. For LLLP, there is a World.LL.LLEntityAvatar that implements the IEntityAvatar and IEntity for an LLLP avatar. Additionally, LLEntityAvatar does a


to add the interface to the IEntity. Later, the Viewer will do a

TryGet<IEntityAvatar>(out anAV)

to see if the underlying entity is an avatar or not. If it is, it will call the avatar specific methods to view the avatar.

Over time, methods will be added to IEntityAvatar and LLEntityAvatar to try and hide the implementation details of an avatar and create an abstract interface for a boned mesh with animations. I figure that the specific positioning logic that is now in RendererOgreLL will move into LLEntityPhysical with a generalized interface for RendererOgreLL to call into the entity to compute the location and parent.

The goal would be to extend Viewer to handler IEntityPhysical (a regular object in the view), IEntityFoliage, IEntityAvatar and IEntityAttachment and all the protocol and item type specific logic will move into protocol specific implementation of classes with those interfaces.

Jul 30, 2009 - LookingGlass progress 20090730

I am about to make a video of logging into Wright Plaza and flying around but I wanted to get shadows working first. I introduced an oddity whereby the brightness of a prim is tied to it’s x or y rotation. I just can’t find the problem but, since it makes most buildings have large black sections, I have to find the bug before I show LG off. Other than that, LG allows logging into and navigating most sims.

Jul 22, 2009 - LookingGlass Progress 20090722

I’ve wanted to advance a version but the main thing keeping LookingGlass from being usable was the unbelievable memory footprint. Ogre vertices took up all the memory until it crashed. So, I’ve spent the last two weeks adding a dynamic loading and unloading system. Now I can log into Wright Plaza and walk an fly around. Woot!! I’ll add a video and some updates this weekend.