I have WebRtc kinda working for OpenSimulator and I gave a presentation on it at OpenSimulator Community Conference OSCC24: WebRTC Voice for OpenSim.

I also have region in OSGrid that has WebRTC based voice. Visit Blueland and see if anyone is there talking. Blueland is running as a Docker container built with opensim-docker and the Janus server is a Docker container built by os-webrtc-janus-docker.

The code is in os-webrtc-janus as an OpenSimulator addin-module. That is, you clone the repository into the addin-module directory of the OpenSimulator sources, do a runprebuild, and then build the simulator.

There is still a lot of things to complete:

  • spatial code modifications to Janus
  • voice controls (mute, volume, …)
  • connection to the grid server
  • hardening

If you want to help with the coding, join me at os-webrtc-janus and checkout the issues and the project. Please test the features and make some issues and this will eventually get integrated into all OpenSimulator regions and grids.