<a href=”http://pics.misterblue.com/onepic/20040510-England/w480/h640/IMG_4644.jpg”
During the week, Cambridge is a collage town filled with students zipping about on bicycles and over heard conversations in the pub are about philosophy or physics. On the weekends though, the streets become packed with tourists and shoppers. Double-decker busses roar through the narrow streets (the one’s they are allowed on). The center of the city is closed to vehicles and it becomes wall-to-wall people. I was given a tour of Queens College by an alumnus and was told that one of the disadvantages of living in a college is that they attract tourists – one morning you’ll open the curtains and find a person with a camera on the other side.
Those who weren’t shopping were filling the parks or punting on the river. All the parks I walked through were filled with picnickers or volleyball games or people kicking around soccer balls. Young boys would be batting around a ball with cricket bats and couples snuggled on blankets. A very pleasant spring day in Cambridge.