The always interesting News in Brain and Behavioural Sciences Newsletter this week pointed to an Edmonton Journal article where an McMaster University evolutionary psychologist claims to have found that the length ratio of a woman's ring to index finger points to her sexual behaviour -- from fantasies to the number of partners she might have.

It has been known for a century (really?!) that the ratio between the length of the second finger (2D) and the ring finger (4D) varies between men and women and that a shorter 2D is the more masculine characteristic. Put your right hand flat on a table as see whether your ring finger (4D) is longer then your index finger (2D).

Well, the finding is that shorter 2D (more male'ish) is coorelated with higher prenatal testosterone levels and that more male-like 2D:4D ratios on the right hand were linked to higher SOI scores -- standard seven-item questionnaire called the Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (SOI), which measures "a person's" willingness to engage in casual, uncommitted sex. That is, high prenatal testosterone levels lead to 'male-like' short-term mating tactics. These tests were given to woman -- shorter 2D indicated a woman engages in more "short-term mating tactics".

So ladies, is your 2D shorter than your 4D?


christina ( 2004-09-06 06:13:10 +0000 ): I am female and i have a ratio of 1.15. What does this mean?